Phyllomacromia gamblesi (Lindley, 1980)
Lyre-tipped Cruiser
Type locality: Bouar, Central African Republic
Male is similar to P. monoceros by (a) size, Hw 34-42 mm; (b) antehumeral stripe always complete; (c) hook of hamule short, may have 2-3 points, although this is often concealed; (d) border of hamule rounded (smoothly bent) before hook, this hook with 1-2 points; (e) costa largely black, not contrasting with Pt; (f) black of genital lobe and dorsum S2 usually connected by black bar; (g) S10 without tooth at base of peak; (h) cerci without basal spines; (i) cerci if short then pointed, if blunt then elongate; (j) epiproct and cerci dark. However, differs by (1) hook of hamule minutely bifid rather than simple; (2) cerci strongly sinuous, taper to very slender tips. [Adapted from Dijkstra & Clausnitzer 2014; this diagnosis not yet verified by author]
Habitat description
Recorded from streams shaded by gallery forest. Probably often with coarse detritus. From 300 to 1100 m above sea level.
Appendages (dorsal view) |
Appendages (lateral view) |
Abdominal segment 2 (lateral view) |
Map citation: Clausnitzer, V., K.-D.B. Dijkstra, R. Koch, J.-P. Boudot, W.R.T. Darwall, J. Kipping, B. Samraoui, M.J. Samways, J.P. Simaika & F. Suhling, 2012. Focus on African Freshwaters: hotspots of dragonfly diversity and conservation concern. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10: 129-134.
- Lindley, R.P. (1980). Macromia gamblesi spec. nov. from the Central African Republic (Anisoptera: Corduliidae). Odonatologica, 9, 189-195. [PDF file]
Citation: Dijkstra, K.-D.B (editor). African Dragonflies and Damselflies Online. [2024-09-12].